Analyse Technique et Conseils Boursiers


Source : Reuters lire le PDF

The outperformance of German stocks .GDAXI has come to an end and UK shares .FTSE could take the lead in the coming months, says Valerie Gastaldy, head of Paris-based technical analysis firm Day By Day.

"The market has long been carried by some ultra-resistant sectors: industrials, consumer goods, chemicals and automotive. Germany clearly benefited from this brilliant journey," she says.

Source : Echos (Les) lire le PDF

Il y a encore une semaine, un répit pouvait s'offrir aux marchés, selon l'analyse graphique.

Depuis quelques jours, les chartistes ont révisé leur scénario. La baisse est amenée à se poursuivre. « Le S&P 500 est venu tester un support majeur à 1.257 points. S'il l'enfonce, il accélère la correction, jusqu'à 1.190 points dans un premier temps », précise Valérie Gastaldy, stratégiste au bureau d'analyse Day By Day.

Source : Reuters lire le PDF

European stocks tumbled on Thursday, with a key index of blue chip companies from the euro zone dropping to a twoyear low, as investors dumped equities across the board in response to sluggish global growth and Italy's debt troubles.

Banking stocks were hammered, with Barclays losing 7.8 percent, UBS down 6.4 percent and UniCredit down 9.33 percent.

Mining and industrials stocks, which had shown resilience over the past few months while the broad market drifted lower, took a serious beating, with global miner Xstrata dropping 8.5 percent and Airbus maker EADS sinking 6.1 percent. Carmaker Fiat ended down 10 percent.

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