Analyse Technique et Conseils Boursiers


Source : BFM Business Voir la vidéo

Source : Reuters lire le PDF

"The Italian index has not yet reached an obvious support, it is too early to step back into equities," Valerie Gastaldy,analyst at Day By Day, said in a note.

Source : Reuters lire le PDF

"The FTSE 100 remains bullish, and the movement that was initiated in late November is not over," Valerie Gastaldy, director of Paris-bassed technical analysis firm Day By Day, said.

Source : Reuters lire le PDF

"It should mean that we should have another top on the Euro STOXX 50 in the next couple of weeks," Valerie Gastaldy, head of Paris-based technical analysis firm Day-By-day, said.

Source : Reuters lire le PDF

Valerie Gastaldy, head of Paris-based technical analysis firm Day-By-day, expected the index to make a new high for the year at around 2,790 points in the next few weeks, adding any dip towards 2,611 in the meantime could be a buying opportunity.

Source : Le Figaro Lire l'interview

INTERVIEW - Après une progression sans conviction jusqu’en janvier, l’indice pourrait avoir besoin de revenir tester son niveau de novembre dernier, avant d’atteindre de nouveaux sommets, juge Valérie Gastaldy

Source : SicavOnline Voir la vidéo

Source : SicavOnline Voir la vidéo

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