Analyse Technique et Conseils Boursiers


Bloomberg : Technical analysts say recovery in VW shares will take years. voir l'article

An ominous chart pattern that formed in shares of BP Plc after its 2010 oil spill is now appearing in Volkswagen AG -- and that’s bad news for bulls.

It’s known in the jargon of technical analysis as a breakaway gap, a price swing that happens so fast that it fractures the orderly progress of trading and disrupts an existing range. In VW, it happened at the open on Sept. 21, when the carmaker plummeted from 162.40 euros to 139.95 euros without ever touching any of the price points in between.

It may take years before the shares recover, if they ever do, according to technical analysts at Day by Day SAS and FXCM Inc. BP never returned to its pre-spill price.

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